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Privacy Policy

Wageningen Beasts is convinced that the protection of personal data is essential. Therefore, in this privacy statement, we aim to provide clear and transparent information about how Wageningen Beasts processes personal data of current members, alumni, and visitors to our website. We make every effort to safeguard your privacy and, as such, handle personal data with care. The processing of personal data is limited to only those data that are minimally necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

What personal data is involved?
Current Members

The data filled out on the registration form (including full name, gender, email address, phone number, nationality, address details, date of birth, and IBAN), as well as data such as competition results and photos during activities.



The data filled out on the registration form, along with information such as competition results and photos during activities.


Website Visitors

No personal data is stored for visitors to the website. However, when a person contacts Wageningen Beasts through the website, the organization automatically has access to the name and email of that person.


Former Members

The data filled out on the registration form (including full name, gender, email address, phone number, nationality, address details, date of birth, and IBAN), as well as data such as competition results and photos during activities.

For what purposes are these personal data processed?
Current Members

- General information provision (invitations and newsletters via email, information via WhatsApp, information via Facebook)
- Facilitating training sessions (data is shared with SCB De Bongerd and SWU Thymos)
- Analysis of member composition and numbers
- Providing internal access to the website for information purposes
- Payment control for membership fees
- Promoting the association and providing information to external parties (carefully selected photos are used on the site and/or Facebook, see also the section 'Social media and website').



- General information provision (invitations and newsletters via email).


Website Visitors

Visitors to the website remain anonymous. When a person contacts Wageningen Beasts through the website, the organisation automatically has access to the name and email of that person.


Use of Visual Material

Wageningen Beasts collects visual material for various purposes such as social media, the association's website, posters, flyers, competitions, and newsletters. The material is carefully selected, and objections can be raised if undesired material is posted online.


Wageningen Beasts collects visual material for the following purposes:

  • Social media

  • The association's website

  • Posters

  • Flyers

  • Competitions

  • Newsletters

  • ​

Wageningen Beasts provides members and other interested parties with information about activities within the association through social media and the website. The visual and textual material used for this purpose is carefully selected. If, despite this careful selection, undesired visual and/or textual material is posted online by Wageningen Beasts, it is possible to object to it. In such cases, the material will be removed or modified (refer to 'Your rights regarding your data' for more information).



Data known to Wageningen Beasts is only accessible to the board.


Use of Personal Data by Third Parties

Wageningen Beasts uses Google Analytics and Google Forms. More information about the use of data by Google, settings, and objections can be found in Google's privacy policy ( and in the settings for Google's ad display ( Wageningen Beasts does not allow the use of personal data by third parties for commercial, charitable, or ideological purposes.


Use of Cookies

Wageningen Beasts does not use cookies when offering its services via the website.


Your Rights Regarding Your Data

You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal data. You also have the right to withdraw your consent or object to the processing of your personal data by Wageningen Beasts and the right to data portability. Requests for access, correction, deletion, or data transfer of your personal data can be made by sending an email to You also have the right to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority, the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, via this link:


Adjustments by Wageningen Beasts

Wageningen Beasts reserves the right to make changes to the privacy policy. Significant changes affecting how the association processes your personal data will be communicated through notifications in our infomail.


If you have questions or comments about our privacy policy or identify possible vulnerabilities, please contact Wageningen Beasts at Bornsesteeg 2, 6708PE Wageningen, or email

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